Saturday, April 29, 2006

A Song For My Sister

Once upon a time not too long ago,
I went on a date, like any other date.
As we walked down the lane each walked before,
I left this date knowing you unlike any other date.

God has blessed me with many source of smiles.
And you are one of those who those that give me strength for many miles..
I thank Him for the spirit he gave you,
I honor Him for the soul he mould in you.
And I'm excited in His dreams He planned for you.

2006 will come and just like 2005,
Or any other year we lived our life.
It will soon fade and be-gone.
But lessons, convictions, struggle and victories,
Forms that wonderful gift we call memories.
Though time passes and our body shrivels,
These are things in us that simply lasts.

The life we lead can be hectic and busy.
Just like jesus in mark chapter three,
To a synagogue, a lake, a house and a mountain.
With the crowd of the world right in front of him.
Yet focus and dedication never left him any bit,
As He strove and save, bringing light in places that need a lit.

I hope you'll enjoy living in twenty three,
And may the world in its luxury never makes you weary.
Keep fighting and persevering in this good fight,
And remember to never limit God with his Might.

Last but never the very least,
Happy sweet twenty three!


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