My Weekend...
I had one of the most fulfilling weekend in my entire life... This is my sharing!In both days, I got to see really beautiful things too! I saw in that in the midst of poverty, though different in our community and personality, wealth, health and everything that’s relatable through our 5-senses... That we can all still connect to one another through love, joy, our smiles, our tears. When painting the ceiling and cleaning up the 68-years old single lady, I cant help but to feel rather empty inside. Its like all the problems in the world doesn’t matter to me any-more as I know I have to help this old lady. And I believe that’s what my team all felt. We ended the work with glad hearts, and there is something in us that simply couldn’t bear to leave the place because there are more that we can offer to help. Boy! I have such a wonderful team. :)
Sunday was very heart-warming too... Seeing maids from different nations, sri-lankan, indian, phillipines, malaysia, myannmar, indonesia.. All gathering together to have a graduation party where all of them can be out of themselves, it was really joyful. Its like you cant help smiling all the way... ;) and the best part, everyone who organized and manage the event are made up of volunteers. Even the sound crew! Somehow, through this event, I experienced a greater joy than the normal laughter from jokes I received from emails, from movies that I watched. Somehow this joy doesn’t only stop at bringing the guffaws out of my mouth, but something is filled within... (Side pt, I remembered watching kung-fu hustle, and watching it in the cinema was really hilarious. I remembered leaving the theater feeling ache on my jaws, and stomach almost cramp. But after all that laughters, I felt rather empty within. It feels like everything in me has been 'laughed-out'...
Such is my weekend. Tiring weeked I must say, physically. But spiritually and emotionally, I had been filled to the brim! :)
>> To rejuvenate this 'almost-dead' blog... Gosh! I Should continue or rather start 'praying' again... :p
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