Wednesday, June 28, 2006

growing up... (ponder)

Growing up has always been on the back of my mind since a very long time. I often wonder when will I ever grow up. But haven't I grown enough already? When can I say that I have grown up and be ready to take on new responsibilities... I wonder!

I recently came across a thought while... like usual, in the toilet, that one can never grow up until the circumstance allows him to. What is growing up really? Is it a process we force ourselves into or an inevitable circumstance which we are placed in. I once forced myself out to grow even more out of myself so that I may be ready to handle a 'dating relationship'. But truly, can I ever do that without entering one? Perhaps I can learn to be more disciplined in the way I use my money, my time, how I be more sensitive to other people's needs and taking on the role of a leader more than a follower... However, does that certify that it will make me a succesful partner in a dating relationship? I guess not.

Growing up, I realize, happens when someone above us left us. I learnt that when my parents left me to be independent, Moses learnt that when he was in the desert, Joseph learnt that when he was taken as a slave, and I beleive my disciples will learnt that when I leave them. Perhaps what I can do right now is to impart whatever that God has sown within me so that when the time comes, they will be ready to take on the responsibility of growing other people in their lives.

Truly, the only consistent factor in growth for interpersonal relationship is the presence of love. Where love exist, growth is never a problem. Time, is the problem.
We are constantly battling with time, in hoping that we can provide the necessary training within the given time. Thank God though.. that He is in control of the problem. :)

Hmm.. my thoughts are running wild now. Many words came to my fingers yet they all dont make much sense. I think its a body alarm system that Its time for me to retreat.

========= Dawn of a new day ==========


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