A Dedication...
The day I am remembered at my death bed,
With any good legacy that may be left behind;
Lives because there lives a man,
And a leader who shaped me the way I am.
As a commander who lead God’s army to Victory,
You gave me a vision for His Glory.
As a night watcher who kept watch,
You kept me safe from Satan’s catch.
As a lantern-guide you lit the darkness,
You gave a direction while I was hopeless.
As a Father to a son,
You believed in me.
The Lord speaks to you so clearly,
In obedience you follow closely.
The Lord delights in your soul,
And His abundant blessings shall follow.
As the years come and go,
Surely the eyes of the Lord will never depart from you.
For He will make you soar with wings of eagle,
Through your life shall His glory will be proclaimed.
Happy and blessed birthday!
My beloved father, mentor, brother, discipler and manager.
And thank you for every hope and belief,
You engraved in me.
Busy sundayzzz
Woke up at 11.30 this morning,
Felt good that I woke up late!
Seems like a long time since I slept long,
And that definitely kept me going all day long.
Went to teach like any teaching sunday,
greeted with smilies from my wonderful students.
It feels good to be doing something you enjoy,
I just dread the day I take it as a job.
I went to chill today,
Amazingly, i visited the library.
Searched through different minds,
And found a wonderful recipes.
Oven, Oven, Oven... its all about the oven.
How true it is, to desire something only to find later,
We have so little time for it as a user.
Went home to make salad,
Waldorf they call it, and I wonder why.
Tasty as it seems, one can never eat too many.
Toilet they go, if apples are all they ate.
Simple this poem may seem,
Normal this life may be.
Yet the mind's still racing,
For the finish line has yet to reach.
Self-Pity..I shall not!
Broken hearts are made to bleed,
Shattered dreams are brought to end.
But in nothing is a new begining,
For something that was never meant.
Life goes on like the wind,
Gently swaying through the bright lit sky.
For there the end, the light shines through,
God's glory, clear and bright, where I shall tread.
I was walking back to office just this evening, and as I looked away to the sky, I saw a marvelous sight where the clouds intertwined. It seems to me that beneath that blue tinted backdrop, stood angels in holy choir, and a garden so beautiful with blue birds singing.
I guess fixing my eyes on Jesus may simply means remembering Him... But what if He longs to show me something I never dreamt of seeing, the eternal home that I will stay? What if it were meant to be that it shall keep me going for the rest of my life?
Now I know why they say, that our eyes are the gateway to our soul... That perhaps in our downs, in our ups, that through our eyes, God can speak to us. God can show us His wisdom and understanding.
Turn our eyes, to Jesus, the hymns sung....
And never let it focus down.
It shall captivate the the heavens above,
or it shall desire the world around.
My God my God, even Jesus looked above,
In that darkest hour of need.
For you my God,
Shall fill my soul with everlasting love.
Tired... Happy?
Went back home tired today. Bibletalk ended at my place, and I arrived right on time. When everyone was just about to leave. Yet I was smiling, am I not? Yet I was cheerful, caught me not? For I wonder, the sanity of my heart, for in the numbness or grace-coated cloths my heart is dressed.
I wonder and I wonder. Life comes, it went past. And sadly, it never comes back. At least never the same way.
My life is passing, and I know. My time, not long, but I delight in it. For this world, never my home but my rest, comes at the end. The work is plenty, with a short time there is yet to accomplish.
Tired as I may be, Lowly as I may seem, I guess its true then... Its in nothing that I give, which makes giving, all worth it!
giving up..
O my soul cringe at the news,
When I know that hope was gone.
Not mine to claim,
But eternity seems to be passing by and I know...
It will be hard to believe,
Yet true to its call, the devil has once again,
Got his foothold that was long forgotten.
I ask God for mercy on my soul today,
I know why I needed that mercy in the end.
I guess forgiveness never once came,
Never before I thought I would struggle;
In forgiving one I cant bear to love.
God so loved the world, that He gave,
That I may once and thrice disappoint Him.
Only so that I may be forgiven,
Of the disappointments and tears He shed for me.
Hard to believe where grace abounds,
Shall my arms be open and my heart in love,
For the glory is never mine to claim but His to gain.
I desire nothing Lord, nothing but your will in mine.
Father forgive me that I may stand,
never righteous but a sinner.
Help me forgive,
Help me overcome.
In passing glance I saw, the surrounding greenery I so long awaits,
I ask the Lord, if my will is done.
He answers me not, for the answer I knew by heart.
The harvest is plenty, but the workers, so few.
I pray for a return,
May the swallow once set free finds its nest.
Its resting ground where the Lord dwells,
Never in the world, never on the ground,
But upon the tree of life I shall await.
I shall hope in prayer, for its only best that I shall hope,
Not in her flight but,
God's abounding grace which guide.
Widowing field...
These are the days when I felt so tired that I just hope to quit.
I complained to God, I wailed and asked Him why,
My life is oft so in-complete.
I know my Father wants me to put my trust in Him.
But my weariness oft overtake my desire to embrace it.
Reality in Christendom is oft so hard to accept,
For life we live today, so easily hides beneath our emotionless faces.
I know that i will never, live another night without you here...
The fires in the sky, illuminates the demons, closing in.
O Have Mercy on my soul,
Have mercy on my soul...
If I am not the last,
Have mercy on my soul,
Have mercy on my soul...
As I crawl around the trail,
Fighting through this widowing field...
The ground lay bare and burned,
At the places where I learnt to trust in you.
O Have Mercy on my soul,
Have mercy on my soul...
If I am not the last,
Have mercy on my soul.
Even Silence keeps my heart in racing,
I will lift my Eyes to you,
Please Father, Save me...
Have mercy on my soul...
Have mercy on my soul.
Its mercy we All need, Salvation we must defend.
Desire in its joy, the beauty and trust in God.
.... Sigh.... So hard, so hard.
Forgiveness is all hard though its for me that I need,
Ready to accept, far be it for me to reach the place.
God, O God, Please help me overcome, please show me the way...
The Always Around Invisible God...
Freedom seems to be the thing every soul desires.
Yet, we never seem to understand what it means to be free.
I realize, Kingdom, Freedom and Boredom has one thing in common...
It contains us, our mind, our soul.
If freedom is a state of mind,
The in freedom, are we contained as we were before we enter freedom?
State of confusion at times we're in.
Looking always at the greener pastures we are always looking,
So what's the secret I ask,
What is it shall I be looking for in life?
I beleive now,
That life is meant for a higher purpose...
by A higher calling.
In the search not for happiness,
Rather the opposite;
How can I unlock my happiness for others.
As Miguel puts it,
Those who say that they believe in God and yet neither love nor fear him, do not in fact beleive in him but in those who have taught them that God exists.
Those who beleive that they beleive in God. but without any passion in their heart, any anguish of mind, without uncertainty, without doubt. without an element of despair even in their consolation, believe only in the God-idea... Not in God.
Perhaps its true, I am what I am. And within, contains the spirit that just need unlocking. Looking through heaven's eyes people says. And we oft wonder, how would Jesus look at this, how would God see this view, rather, we should be asking, why did God allow me to see what I am seeing? And the spirit that dwells within squirms for us to put action from our thoughts. Yet most of the time, we quench it with false hopes and procastinations. I am guilty of it all the time, and I ask that mercy be upon me on that day when He will ask, What have you done with what I have allowed you to see....?
More than conquerors... Freedom in Christ... The power to shake the gates of hell...
Do we beleive in it, do we live like we believe in it...
Or do we simply know it for a fact, and do nothing about it.
I guess thats the difference in a faith-lived life,
And living a faith beleiving life...
One ever powered to do beyond what We always imagine,
Through nothing but the blood of Jesus.
The other, believing that we can do something,
Knowing that there is something to be done,
But apart from our constant wailing for a divine intervention...
God is yet to see the work of our faith, waiting still waiting,
The Storm's Brewing, and Cover I''ll take.
I learnt the art of waiting on the Lord today.
I learnt that memories, are meant to be sweet.
And no matter how bitter it may have seemed,
Something sweet can always be drawn from it.
I was thinking about how things come and gone.
I guess I have yet to understand His will that came.
Still I lie in wait, patiently as He may direct.
Never waiver, Always perservere, Holding Tight.
Hope, Longingness, as CS Lewis puts it,
Came rooted from our desires.
If nothing in this earth can fulfill,
Perhaps I ain't made for this world at all.
Be still my soul...
Be still my feet!
Be still my mind,
Be still my heart.
Be still my life,
Be still my voice...
Be still my self,
Be still my memories...
For I put my trust in thee, for He is my countenance.
All day I look up, All day I see His face :)
Be still my child.. Be still my Son..
Time will tell, my Glory revealed.
Trust in me, Trust in what I promised.
dedicated to my friend,
Whose heart so oft broken.
Wonder I may 'bout your desire,
liken a dry well so thirst of water.
Your life depicts a bird longing for a nest,
So desire an acceptance,
Yet time and time again you wonder,
If such great joy simply exist.
Rejoice my friend,
Be sad no more for its time.
that you'll discover and learn,
The journey you're about to enter.
for life awaits those who'll be ready for it,
some missed it but never lost,
some fall but never broken...
And I hope that in time to come,
You will find what you'll deem fulfullment.
If your name rhymes with your callsign,
baby you call it,
strangely i may say it.
May you find what you've been looking for,
And laugh, in the fruits of everlasting joy.
God gives a damn...
As I was pondering about the littlest of problems I faced each day, I didnt realize that God loves me to the point of even caring for the simplest problems I faced each day.
As the pulpit preached about the 1st miracle of Jesus Christ, the turning from water to wine, helped me see how willing God often rescue us from the disruption of sins.
As I was thinking through my life and the countless ways I have disappointed God, I finally understood why even my mistakes, can be used for His glory to be revealed and revered.
As the mistake is committed, God sees the disruption. I wonder if He will sigh... And He sees whats going to come, and see how the 'negative' outcome can be turned for Him instead of against Him...
I received a sight,
I saw the end of end.
It was a bright light,
High in the sky it shone.
Angels descends from Heaven's throne,
Singing carols to revere His welcome.
People from all over the world slowly rises,
As the rapture began to lift those chosen.
Many rose and looked down with tears in their eyes.
I couldn't let go,
I couldn't leave my past,
I couldn't surrender.
And I went downwards.
With tears I went downwards.
Where wails and hopelessness grew stronger,
As I inch towards the fallen world.
What an amazing sight I received!
Golden lit candles on pots it stood,
Carried by Angels we thought never existed.
I see the workers of faith passing through despair,
Giving hope to the fallen generation beneath.
I was encouraged,
And I teared.
I knew what it finally meant,
When I decide to stay on;
Simply to do what He willed...
That day the Lord waited.
He waited for all His workers.
And while waiting,
He couldnt help but to smile.
What a sight it was!
I am Back
Its been a month that I last blogged.
Dedicating to us, the words i have prayed.
Have mercy on my soul...
Have mercy on my soul...
I prayed for mercy, for a friend of mine.
And I asked myself, if it is me who requires mercy.
For we do, but have a merciful and loving God.
I asked God again and again what I can do.
Yet again and again He said...
Be still, and know that I am God.
And so I kneel down everyday,
Praying for mercy.
For my soul,
For my friend...