Saturday, April 29, 2006

A Song For My Sister

Once upon a time not too long ago,
I went on a date, like any other date.
As we walked down the lane each walked before,
I left this date knowing you unlike any other date.

God has blessed me with many source of smiles.
And you are one of those who those that give me strength for many miles..
I thank Him for the spirit he gave you,
I honor Him for the soul he mould in you.
And I'm excited in His dreams He planned for you.

2006 will come and just like 2005,
Or any other year we lived our life.
It will soon fade and be-gone.
But lessons, convictions, struggle and victories,
Forms that wonderful gift we call memories.
Though time passes and our body shrivels,
These are things in us that simply lasts.

The life we lead can be hectic and busy.
Just like jesus in mark chapter three,
To a synagogue, a lake, a house and a mountain.
With the crowd of the world right in front of him.
Yet focus and dedication never left him any bit,
As He strove and save, bringing light in places that need a lit.

I hope you'll enjoy living in twenty three,
And may the world in its luxury never makes you weary.
Keep fighting and persevering in this good fight,
And remember to never limit God with his Might.

Last but never the very least,
Happy sweet twenty three!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Mysteriousness of man...

I was travelling on the MRT this afternoon and it dawned upon me, that everyone, myself included, loves mysterious-ness so much. I was pondering about why I naturally prefer someone whom I do not know well over someone whom I stay with for a year, like house-mate or colleague. I think there are some truths in the saying for the more we know another party, the less likely we become lovers at the end. However, is that really biblical? Is friendship not the basis for a long lasting relationship?

I remembered the chart for how a relationship should work out. It should first start with getting to know one another. Knowledge is the utmost importance. Then comes trusting the person with the knowledge we have about the other party.

Next comes reliance on the other party. I guess at times we fail to see this importance and get too emotionally reliant on the other party. Blame us Asians for being the most emotional beings in the world.. Neverthless, I believe emotion is a good strength. when channeled properly of course.

Only after all these, then comes commitment and then intimacy. I guess we oft jump the guns so early that causes so much heart-breaks...

Hmm, I guess I learnt my lesson well. My friend just called me Prof. Jong! And I thought how appropriate.. (grinning in a self-righteous way.. :D) That the only Instituition which can gives me that title would have to be the University of Hard-Knocks!

Looking forward to whats to come though. Its a new field I need to explore, and I am very glad and thankful that God is showing me the way to go.

Friday, April 21, 2006

My cooking...

Today.. I learnt to cook, from the cook book!
What better way to learn than to learn from my mistake!

Ayam Tempra (Chicken in Lemon and Soya Sauce)
Brocolli in Lemon and Garlic
Baby corn and snow-peas
Tomato rice...

I must say, a disaster it had been.
Eat-able is a comment,
Tasty because we are hungry.

We finished the food nonetheless,
And healthy it was...
Low in calories, low in carbo...
Definitely low in sodium and not forgetting,

Andy, Jo and Dewi, all good friends and tasters.
Encouraging as they were,
I am grateful for such words from their lips.
More food to cook,
Not much time to waste...
Joke the Chef,
Is a title I long to have. :)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A Song for a friend...

How beautiful, the voice that sing,
the praises of her beloved King.
That music so filled with passion,
With intimacy where angels can only listen with awe.

If life is to be sung, she will sing it for you.
If its to worship, she gives it to you.
What more can the almighty ask for,
If her greatest gift is but given to the lord.

Sister, oh dear sister.
such great spirit deep in her,
So precious is the heart deep within.
as your life so hungry with love before,
In abundance now, with others you share.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

More friends...

To my friend and leader, And the shepperd boy who is given the task to lead BBites..

O Zion calls upon you,
Mighty warrior leader of your people.
Faith, carried as your shield,
Righteousness, used as a weapon.
And the victory of the Lord be shown,
In the battles where God's glory so abound.

Morning arise with the fear of the lord
nightfall sleeps by the grace and His mercy
You o'brother lives with the word in your lips,
With the mission deep in your heart.
And with your earthly life you sow,
a reap of joy everlast in eternity to come...

Thursday, April 13, 2006

My friends

This past few days wouldnt be what it was, without some special people in my lives to guide and helped me mould what you see in me.

And for that, I composed some poems for them. And I thank God for them, and appreciate that God put them in my life to complete my life.


Firm as a stone you are built,
Served as a pillar you now stand.
against all odds, you learnt to be still,
Beyond emotions, you have gained understanding.

The Lord is true and just...
For He made you with that purpose,
A purpose to bear what's to come:
With rock solid faith the wind will disperse,
With firm foundation the waves will be broken.

Brother, discipler, mentor and friend.
As I thank God for thee,
I know the Lord is pleased.
For I am a friend in need, and you are a true friend indeed.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My Birthday Sharing...

23rd birthday! YAHOO!!!

Thank you very much for reading this birthday sharing of mine. As I only have 1-opportunity like this in a year, I guarantee that this will definitely be a long long speech. Ha ha! Juz kidding.

Actually what I want to say this is to appreciate and really thank each one of you for making my life special. Just like a jigsaw puzzle, my life will not be complete w/o each one of you playing a part , helping me build a painting that only when everyone of us are pieced up together, we can then see that beautiful portrait. I truly thank God for His divine arrangement. Amongst us we have teacher, Asst Public prosecutor, Lawyer, engineer, technician, designer, programmer, business exec, coach, banker , slacker, slave to the government, and even muggers! And I really sit here in awe, how people from different background, age, profession, can now enjoy meal together, laughing at one another and even getting to know one another!
Special thanks to my family-group, who helps me in so many ways to make this birthday bash a success without me having to go through nights without sleep. Also thanks to Yoke and Jennifer, who never fails in wanting for us to get together, even planning this one so that my birthday can be celebrated. I truly appreciate that, and I thank God for sending me friends like you both.

2005, has been a very memorable year for me. Its a year of full surrender. I don't know if you understand what I mean, basically, life for me came to a point where I know that there was nothing in my life I could do to change for the better. I grew up from young learning from my father, how to fix things. If you ask my housemates, their impression of joke is mr. Fix-everything-at-home. To my msn friends, joke is a spiritual wise man who fix emotional problems, to my clients and colleagues, joke is an IT 'god' where computers start fixing itself at the sound of the name of Joke! Trust me, I fix everything from my own dinner to pcs, and I was seriously enjoying getting my hands involved in everything I could.

However, God has a lesson for me to learn this past year. Perhaps its time I fully understand and exercise the word 'surrender'. When playing games, surrender is never an option. But in life, I learnt to believe in having faith in a higher power that some things are just never meant for me to interfere or fix.

I was forced to be still, in knowing that realistically, I know a glimmer of hope still exist if I do something about it. I experienced the difference of hoping and wishing. In hoping, it takes a mutual consent of a common direction. When I hope in God for Him to work things out, he is working things out. Perhaps not in my timing, perhaps not in the way I see how things are suppose to be done. Wishing on the other end is like a fantasy, its not only lopsided, it may be impossible!

I also learnt what it meant to forgive. I never thought I will ever struggle to forgive. Yet the first person I have to learn to forgive, is one whom I dearly loved. I guess that’s how life works, never say never for in future, you may say you ever. The feeling is like loving someone but with each drop of love I put in, an equal amount of hurt is pierced through the heart. So often I thought about blaming myself in how lousy I was. Not only I didn’t know how to fix this relationship, I didn’t even have the courage to say “I am hurt.”. In the mode of negativity, I knew I needed a way out. And I thank God for His guidance. As a Christian, I know I needed to forgive. And so I did, I learnt to go up to a person, confess I'm disappointed, hurt and sad, and I have to say that I forgave her for all that she’s done. Above all, mean it. I remembered almost breaking down, but I know I need to do it. If not for anybody’s sake, it’s my own. I looked back now and I can laugh and say, waow! I did it. I thank God for the strength that He has given me to forgive. Without Him, I know that I will never be able to say it. I remembered, when in Sec 4, I cant even profess my liking to the girl I like in 1-proper sentence! Let alone saying that I forgive someone who has hurt me much.

If there is one thing I am really proud of this 2005, is that I grew so much deeper with God. I learn to hear His voice. I learn to obey His will for my life. It never came easy, and is often beyond explanation. However, like life, sometimes while climbing the mountain, we will never understand the landscape around us until we finally reach the peak and enjoy its scenery. And that’s how I felt 2005 was like. Nevertheless, every step I obeyed, was a revelation of how good God’s plan is.

To my dear brothers, sisters and friends, I am not sure how this sharing may unlock certain things about your life today. I am not even sure how life will be at the end of 2006. But one thing that’s certain, In my bible, God promised that his plan for us is to prosper, not to harm, to give us hope and a future. And Knowing that I can count on it, is what makes life worth my while. I hope that if there are 2 things that you can leave this birthday celebration with, will be the new friendships that is borne out of this gathering, and the application of my sharing. I no longer believe in coincidences anymore, and I know that the fact that everyone of us here is present today, is not by sheer luck.

Looking forward, my wish for 2006 is that I hope that everyone of us, be it those who just become ORDinary and working full time, or out of college or those loyally contributing to the economy of singapore, for some, it will be engagement and getting married, for others, it will still be the single lonely and still looking and waiting… is that each one of us can lead a fruitful and memorable year ahead. And I really hope that this year, I can spend more personal time with you, and laugh more about our good old days.

At that, thank you, all for listening, and yes. That’s the end of what I have to say….